My Online Teaching Experience

By Sowndarya Shree

I am sure that we would never expect that this academic year would go on online  mode during this pandemic situation. Simultaneously, I was very curious about  online mode. We were moving with the zoom app in beginning, later we moved to G suits and teams. Each day was a new experience and learning for me. I realized myself in this online teaching and made me strong in many aspects. Mainly it was  the place to showcase me in front of students and parents. You may wonder why parents I have included. Definitely, parents will also listen to our classes and listen to how the teacher is explaining and the barrier which we are using to students.  To make it simple how does she/ he engage his/her students. 

I started to engage myself in different online courses with Harvard university to improve myself and encourage students to enroll as well.

When I was handling my accounts session for 11th students a parent and students  put me a question “what is the importance of maintaining a ledger book for  different customers and suppliers”. Finally, after my explanation, she said it’s good enough that your language and explanation part is very easy for students to  understand and grabs it easily. Each student in my class came out with an interest to learn and my strength was about 20 plus daily. Once after 10 sessions completed I felt that daily teaching and learning was going continually which would tend to  lose their interest. Conducted a game session to make it interesting from what the  previous sessions were thought. Every day I sent meet link to their emails with time and other details.

I felt that after daily teaching and learning, students would lose their interest.

Meanwhile, I started to record my all sessions with the intention that no students  should miss any of my classes. Important points were covered with PowerPoint  presentations with catchy pictures and made them understand it quickly without  any struggles. I started to engage myself in different online courses with Harvard university to gain myself. Not only myself, but even students also started to engage themselves with mobiles.

When coming to point of exams, informed students to write from home and a specific duration was given plus after the exam timing extra 1 hour was given to  students to scan and upload their answers. The same way students were happy a lot to write their exams. A very good environment and calm place for taking a class were required for me. I myself arranged a workplace for me with a good Wi-Fi  connection. From school, they prepared a timetable for all subjects. I was allotted for 2 hours’ session weekly thrice. I had about 7 hours’ free time to do something useful for students aside from this I had a self-care started to exercise regularly. As  weekly only three sessions, I felt the time limit was less. I bought a new camera stand and started to record more sessions and uploaded for students which they said to me’s very useful for us. I started to share my slide share with LinkedIn media. About 100 people started to look at my slides and it was a boost up for me and I started to give other information to equip myself. 

Finally, once the school was re-opened I was unhappy I could not continue with online sessions anymore. Overall I had some positive impressions of this pandemic situation. It has completely changed my classroom. I hope that our future  generations would learn only with a tab or through any sources of technology, Where they can document their works and use it for their future need. 



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