Blessed Life

By Jeyasudha R

Life’s small little pleasures matter much
I want to collect all and cherish them as such
Let’s enjoy our present in million little ways
Why to grudge over the past that is gone by
There’s plenty to be revelled in now…every bit of it
It’s all the petty things that makes the life get enriched
Let’s find happiness in our small little world
Play on your favourite music and sing a merry song
There comes the difficult time when we start sunken in
Recalling all the pleasurable moments, makes us overcome them
There is something pretty delightful in all days indeed
We have just to unearth it that lay hidden underneath
The moment we are in now, won’t ever be repeated
Thus, each one of us must make the most of it
Innumerable are the things we can get high on
For, life is a book, we should turn each page with much enthusiasm
We can make or mark our destiny by our own
Separate the grain from the chaff is the wisest thing ever known
Let’s wipe out the tears we shed on every small thing
We should try to hide our sorrows behind our sleeves
Keep smiling and let others follow it
Smile when reciprocates, will change their mood
Leave the grievances of life we have been doing so often
Embrace your life and add more and more fun
Let’s keep the cherished moments alive throughout our lives
For, life is to enjoy not to indulge in deep strife

By Jeyasudha R


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